Physical Review E – June 1997
Volume 55, Issue 6


General methods of statistical physics

Classical fluids

Reflection of nonlinear waves from a domain boundary
A. La Porta and C. M. Surko
pp. R6327-R6330 [View PDF (342 kB)]
Impossibility of the antidynamo theorem for generic planar periodic flows
Manuel Núñez
pp. R6331-R6332 [View PDF (52 kB)]
A priori derivation of the lattice Boltzmann equation
Xiaoyi He and Li-Shi Luo
pp. R6333-R6336 [View PDF (114 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Induced hexatic phase in a free-standing two-layer N-(4-n-butoxybenzylidene)-4-n-octylaniline film
C. F. Chou, A. J. Jin, C. Y. Chao, S. W. Hui, C. C. Huang, and J. T. Ho
pp. R6337-R6339 [View PDF (96 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Positive feedback driven by concentration fluctuations in asymmetrically photo-cross-linked polymer mixtures
Q. Tran-Cong, A. Harada, K. Kataoka, T. Ohta, and O. Urakawa
pp. R6340-R6343 [View PDF (273 kB)]
Dynamics of phase separation in polymer solutions under shear flow
Tao Sun, Anna C. Balazs, and David Jasnow
pp. R6344-R6347 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Aging of porous media following fluid invasion, freezing, and thawing
E. Salmon, M. Ausloos, and N. Vandewalle
pp. R6348-R6351 [View PDF (108 kB)]
See Also: Erratum

Plasma physics

Plasma density determination by transmission of laser-generated surface harmonics
P. Gibbon, D. Altenbernd, U. Teubner, E. Förster, P. Audebert, J.-P. Geindre, J.-C. Gauthier, and A. Mysyrowicz
pp. R6352-R6355 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Color temperature measurement in laser-driven shock waves
T. A. Hall, A. Benuzzi, D. Batani, D. Beretta, S. Bossi, B. Faral, M. Koenig, J. Krishnan, Th. Löwer, and M. Mahdieh
pp. R6356-R6359 [View PDF (131 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Soliton tunneling
G. Kälbermann
pp. R6360-R6362 [View PDF (92 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Renormalization group of probabilistic cellular automata with one absorbing state
M. J. de Oliveira and J. E. Satulovsky
pp. 6377-6383 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Numerical study on ergodic properties of triangular billiards
Roberto Artuso, Giulio Casati, and Italo Guarneri
pp. 6384-6390 [View PDF (284 kB)]
2n-point renormalized coupling constants in the three-dimensional Ising model:Estimates by high temperature series to order Β17
P. Butera and M. Comi
pp. 6391-6396 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Simple hierarchical systems: Stability, self-organized criticality, and catastrophic behavior
E. M. Blanter and M. G. Shnirman
pp. 6397-6403 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Encoding information in chemical chaos by controlling symbolic dynamics
Erik M. Bollt and Milos Dolnik
pp. 6404-6413 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Andronov bifurcation and excitability in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
M. Giudici, C. Green, G. Giacomelli, U. Nespolo, and J. R. Tredicce
pp. 6414-6418 [View PDF (136 kB)]
See Also: Reply
Summing graphs for random band matrices
P. G. Silvestrov
pp. 6419-6432 [View PDF (270 kB)]
Spontaneous generation of discrete scale invariance in growth models
Y. Huang, G. Ouillon, H. Saleur, and D. Sornette
pp. 6433-6447 [View PDF (312 kB)]
Dynamical behavior of Lagrangian systems on Finsler manifolds
Maria Di Bari, Dino Boccaletti, Piero Cipriani, and Giuseppe Pucacco
pp. 6448-6458 [View PDF (253 kB)]
Roughening of a growing surface on a crystal with correlated disorder: Influence of nonlinearity
Sutapa Mukherji
pp. 6459-6466 [View PDF (164 kB)]
Optimal reconstruction of attractors from experimental time series by the wavering product
W.-D. Sponheimer and C. Wilke
pp. 6467-6475 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Dynamics and thermodynamics of delayed population growth
Viceņc Méndez and Juan Camacho
pp. 6476-6482 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Influence of noise on chaotic laser dynamics
Clif Liu, Rajarshi Roy, Henry D. I. Abarbanel, Zelda Gills, and Ken Nunes
pp. 6483-6500 [View PDF (435 kB)]
Langevin equations and surface growth
G. Costanza
pp. 6501-6506 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Classical and quantum decay of one-dimensional finite wells with oscillating walls
A. J. Fendrik and D. A. Wisniacki
pp. 6507-6513 [View PDF (217 kB)]
Correlations of eigenfunctions in disordered systems
Ya. M. Blanter and A. D. Mirlin
pp. 6514-6518 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Solvable optimal velocity models and asymptotic trajectory
Ken Nakanishi, Katsumi Itoh, Yuji Igarashi, and Masako Bando
pp. 6519-6532 [View PDF (282 kB)]
When coherent stochastic resonance appears
Josep M. Porr`a
pp. 6533-6539 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Chaos and order in crossed fields
Jan von Milczewski and T. Uzer
pp. 6540-6551 [View PDF (1,946 kB)]
Self-similar bootstrap of divergent series
V. I. Yukalov and S. Gluzman
pp. 6552-6565 [View PDF (267 kB)]
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem revisited: Stochasticity thresholds in nonlinear Hamiltonian systems
Lapo Casetti, Monica Cerruti-Sola, Marco Pettini, and E. G. D. Cohen
pp. 6566-6574 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Equilibrium statistical mechanics of one-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with long-range force
Yves Elskens and Mickaël Antoni
pp. 6575-6581 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Gibbsian versus non-Gibbsian nature of stationary states for Toom probabilistic cellular automata via simulations
Danuta Makowiec
pp. 6582-6588 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Convex hull violation by superpositions of multifractals
R. Stoop and W.-H. Steeb
pp. 6589-6592 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Percolation thresholds of the duals of the face-centered-cubic, hexagonal-close-packed, and diamond lattices
S. C. van der Marck
pp. 6593-6597 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Tunnel crisis and the crisis-induced intermittency
H. L. Yang, Z. Q. Huang, and E. J. Ding
pp. 6598-6603 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Dynamical systems with a Hamiltonian that is a function of momentum moduli: Pseudobilliards
V. M. Eleonsky, V. G. Korolev, and N. E. Kulagin
pp. 6604-6607 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Random matrix theory and classical statistical mechanics: Spin models
H. Meyer and J.-C. Angl`es d'Auriac
pp. 6608-6617 [View PDF (220 kB)]
Synchronization of mutually coupled chaotic systems
D. Y. Tang and N. R. Heckenberg
pp. 6618-6623 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Critical end point behavior in a binary fluid mixture
Nigel B. Wilding
pp. 6624-6631 [View PDF (198 kB)]
Persistence in Lévy-flight anomalous diffusion
Damián H. Zanette
pp. 6632-6635 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Transition between quantum coherence and incoherence
S. P. Strong
pp. 6636-6640 [View PDF (115 kB)]
Crisis-induced intermittency in truncated mean field dynamos
Eurico Covas and Reza Tavakol
pp. 6641-6645 [View PDF (353 kB)]
Crossover time of diffusion-limited reactions on a tubular lattice
Ji Li
pp. 6646-6650 [View PDF (138 kB)]
See Also: Comment
General method of synchronization
Liu Zonghua and Chen Shigang
pp. 6651-6655 [View PDF (105 kB)]
Real-space renormalization-group study of the phase transition in a Gaussian model of fractals
Song Li and Z. R. Yang
pp. 6656-6660 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Solution of the static pair annihilation process
B. Bonnier and R. Brown
pp. 6661-6666 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Enhancement of the energy resolution in ion-beam experimentswith the maximum-entropy method
R. Fischer, M. Mayer, W. von der Linden, and V. Dose
pp. 6667-6673 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Correlation-hole method for the spectra of superconducting microwave billiards
H. Alt, H.-D. Gräf, T. Guhr, H. L. Harney, R. Hofferbert, H. Rehfeld, A. Richter, and P. Schardt
pp. 6674-6683 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Aging and its distribution in coarsening processes
L. Frachebourg, P. L. Krapivsky, and S. Redner
pp. 6684-6689 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Generic spatiotemporal dynamics near codimension-two Turing-Hopf bifurcations
M. Meixner, A. De Wit, S. Bose, and E. Schöll
pp. 6690-6697 [View PDF (2,780 kB)]
Traveling Turing patterns in nonlinear neural fields
C. B. Price
pp. 6698-6706 [View PDF (419 kB)]
Distribution of eigenvalues of certain matrix ensembles
E. Bogomolny, O. Bohigas, and M. P. Pato
pp. 6707-6718 [View PDF (279 kB)]
Thermodynamic approach to creep and plasticity
Ritva Löfstedt
pp. 6719-6725 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Brittleness, ductility, and the Griffith crack
Ritva Löfstedt
pp. 6726-6730 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Stripe Turing structures in a two-dimensional gas discharge system
E. Ammelt, Yu. A. Astrov, and H.-G. Purwins
pp. 6731-6740 [View PDF (342 kB)]
Group theoretic reduction of Laplacian dynamical problems on fractal lattices
W. A. Schwalm, M. K. Schwalm, and M. Giona
pp. 6741-6752 [View PDF (214 kB)]
Fokker-Planck description of electron and photon transport in homogeneous media
A. Ziya Akcasu and James Paul Holloway
pp. 6753-6764 [View PDF (233 kB)]
Classical localization and percolation in random environments on trees
Paul C. Bressloff, Vincent M. Dwyer, and Michael J. Kearney
pp. 6765-6775 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Modeling leaky faucet dynamics
A. D'Innocenzo and L. Renna
pp. 6776-6790 [View PDF (570 kB)]
Upper and lower bounds for the ground state entropy of antiferromagnetic Potts models
Robert Shrock and Shan-Ho Tsai
pp. 6791-6794 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Density and pair correlation function of confined identical particles: The Bose-Einstein case
F. Brosens, J. T. Devreese, and L. F. Lemmens
pp. 6795-6802 [View PDF (223 kB)]
Time-reversible dissipative attractors in three and four phase-space dimensions
H. A. Posch and Wm. G. Hoover
pp. 6803-6810 [View PDF (211 kB)]
Velocity and density profiles of granular flow in channels using a lattice gas automaton
Gongwen Peng and Takao Ohta
pp. 6811-6820 [View PDF (215 kB)]
Continuous time random walks on moving fluids
Albert Compte
pp. 6821-6831 [View PDF (215 kB)]
Spectral properties of three-dimensional quantum billiards with a pointlike scatterer
T. Shigehara and Taksu Cheon
pp. 6832-6844 [View PDF (260 kB)]

Classical fluids

Rapid solidification under local nonequilibrium conditions
S. L. Sobolev
pp. 6845-6854 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Local structure analysis of the hard-disk fluid near melting
A. C. Mitus, H. Weber, and D. Marx
pp. 6855-6859 [View PDF (100 kB)]
Square cells in gravitational and capillary thermoconvection
V. Regnier, P. C. Dauby, P. Parmentier, and G. Lebon
pp. 6860-6865 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Geometrical consequences of foam equilibrium
C. Moukarzel
pp. 6866-6880 [View PDF (324 kB)]
Relaxation of one-dimensional binary mixtures
Pirooz Mohazzabi and Jeffrey R. Schmidt
pp. 6881-6886 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Pattern selection and the effect of group velocity on interacting oscillatory and stationary instabilities
D. Walgraef
pp. 6887-6897 [View PDF (258 kB)]
Bubble motion in a horizontal tube and the velocity estimate for curved flames
Vitaliy V. Bychkov
pp. 6898-6901 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Cellular self-propulsion of two-dimensional dissipative structuresand spatial-period tripling Hopf bifurcation
Isabelle Daumont, Klaus Kassner, Chaouqi Misbah, and Alexandre Valance
pp. 6902-6906 [View PDF (328 kB)]
Velocity-difference probability density functions for Burgers turbulence
S. A. Boldyrev
pp. 6907-6910 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Frankel equation for turbulent flames in the presence of a hydrodynamic instability
Bruno Denet
pp. 6911-6916 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Anharmonic potentials in supercooled liquids: The soft-potential model
U. Zürcher and T. Keyes
pp. 6917-6927 [View PDF (194 kB)]
Convection under rotation for Prandtl numbers near 1: Linear stability, wave-number selection, and pattern dynamics
Yuchou Hu, Robert E. Ecke, and Guenter Ahlers
pp. 6928-6949 [View PDF (1,419 kB)]
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in binary-gas mixtures: Thermophysical properties and the onset of convection
Jun Liu and Guenter Ahlers
pp. 6950-6968 [View PDF (627 kB)]
Successive deceleration in Boltzmann-like traffic equations
C. Wagner
pp. 6969-6978 [View PDF (226 kB)]
Bifurcations and chaos in an array of forced vortices
R. Braun, F. Feudel, and N. Seehafer
pp. 6979-6984 [View PDF (239 kB)]
Extended self-similarity in boundary layer turbulence
G. Amati, R. Benzi, and S. Succi
pp. 6985-6988 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Dynamical scaling in dissipative Burgers turbulence
T. J. Newman
pp. 6989-6999 [View PDF (214 kB)]
Intermittency and the slow approach to Kolmogorov scaling
B. Holdom
pp. 7000-7004 [View PDF (136 kB)]
Spectra in helical three-dimensional homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Vadim Borue and Steven A. Orszag
pp. 7005-7009 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Stability analysis of a two-dimensional vortex pattern
I. M. Lansky and T. M. O'Neil
pp. 7010-7014 [View PDF (105 kB)]
Fragmentation and migration of invasion percolation clusters: Experiments and simulations
G. Wagner, A. Birovljev, P. Meakin, J. Feder, and T. Jøssang
pp. 7015-7029 [View PDF (1,064 kB)]
Temporal multiscaling in hydrodynamic turbulence
Victor S. L'vov, Evgenii Podivilov, and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 7030-7035 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Linear stability of two-dimensional combined buoyant-thermocapillary flow in cylindrical liquid bridges
M. Wanschura, H. C. Kuhlmann, and H. J. Rath
pp. 7036-7042 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Temperature fluctuations and anomalous scaling in low-Mach-numbercompressible turbulent flow
Tov Elperin, Nathan Kleeorin, and Igor Rogachevskii
pp. 7043-7047 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Geometric orbits of surface waves from a circular hydraulic jump
S. H. Hansen, S. Hørlück, D. Zauner, P. Dimon, C. Ellegaard, and S. C. Creagh
pp. 7048-7062 [View PDF (319 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Fracture in columnar phases
M. Hébert
pp. 7063-7067 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Linear stability analysis of bifurcations with a spatially periodic, fluctuating control parameter
Joanna Röder, Heinrich Röder, and Lorenz Kramer
pp. 7068-7078 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Local molecular order in the biaxial smectic mesophase of HpAB:A proton-14N cross relaxation study
E. Anoardo and D. J. Pusiol
pp. 7079-7084 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Homeotropic surface anchoring of a Gay-Berne nematic liquid crystal
Joachim Stelzer, Lech Longa, and Hans-Rainer Trebin
pp. 7085-7089 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Statistical theory of elastic constants of biaxial nematic liquid crystals
A. Kapanowski
pp. 7090-7104 [View PDF (285 kB)]
Induced smectic phase in a nematic liquid crystal mixture
Thein Kyu, Hao-Wen Chiu, and Tisato Kajiyama
pp. 7105-7110 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Orientational states and phase transitions induced by microtextured substrates
Tie-Zheng Qian and Ping Sheng
pp. 7111-7120 [View PDF (266 kB)]
High-pressure mesomorphic behavior of a chiral polyacrylate by x-ray diffraction in situ
O. Francescangeli, C. Ferrero, M. Lorenzen, P. Bösecke, B. Paci, and R. Caciuffo
pp. 7121-7127 [View PDF (164 kB)]
Spiral waves in nematic liquid crystals:mExperimental analysis of selection rules
A. Vierheilig, C. Chevallard, and J. M. Gilli
pp. 7128-7136 [View PDF (387 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Equilibrium model for agglomeration phenomena in solid polydispersions subject to adsorption from liquid solution
Stefano A. Mezzasalma
pp. 7137-7143 [View PDF (173 kB)]
Displacement of inactive phases by the reactive regime in a lattice gas model for a dimer-monomer irreversible surface reaction
Ezequiel V. Albano
pp. 7144-7152 [View PDF (223 kB)]
Asymptotic laws and preasymptotic correction formulas for the relaxation near glass-transition singularities
T. Franosch, M. Fuchs, W. Götze, M. R. Mayr, and A. P. Singh
pp. 7153-7176 [View PDF (534 kB)]
Invasion percolation with memory
Hooshang Kharabaf and Yanis C. Yortsos
pp. 7177-7191 [View PDF (3,709 kB)]
Kinetics of a magnetic fluid phase separation induced by an external magnetic field
Andrej Yu. Zubarev and Alexey O. Ivanov
pp. 7192-7202 [View PDF (204 kB)]
Kinetic theory of jamming in hard-sphere startup flows
R. S. Farr, J. R. Melrose, and R. C. Ball
pp. 7203-7211 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Model-independent reconstruction of smooth electron density profiles from reflectivity data of liquid surfaces
Chien-Heng Chou, M. J. Regan, P. S. Pershan, and X.-L. Zhou
pp. 7212-7216 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Subpicosecond pump-probe absorption of the hydrated electron: Nonlinear response theory and computer simulation
S. Bratos, J.-Cl. Leicknam, D. Borgis, and A. Staib
pp. 7217-7227 [View PDF (238 kB)]
Phase diagram of hard spheres confined between two parallel plates
Matthias Schmidt and Hartmut Löwen
pp. 7228-7241 [View PDF (670 kB)]
Phase diagrams of the classical Heisenberg fluid within the extended van der Waals approximation
A. Oukouiss and M. Baus
pp. 7242-7252 [View PDF (1,193 kB)]
Self-organization of growing and decaying particles
V. G. Karpov and David W. Oxtoby
pp. 7253-7259 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Confined fluid between two walls: The case of micelles inside a soap film
Oleg Krichevsky and Joel Stavans
pp. 7260-7266 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Homogeneous nucleation and growth in the critical three-dimensional Ising regime of a binary polymer blend
G. Müller, D. Schwahn, and T. Springer
pp. 7267-7282 [View PDF (360 kB)]
High-frequency dielectric relaxation of polyelectrolyte gels
Hiroshi Furusawa, Kohzo Ito, and Reinosuke Hayakawa
pp. 7283-7287 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Variational calculation of the effective fluid permeability of heterogeneous media
Dionissios T. Hristopulos and George Christakos
pp. 7288-7298 [View PDF (216 kB)]
Self-organization with traveling waves: A case for a convective torus
Bice S. Martincigh, Cordelia R. Chinake, Tony Howes, and Reuben H. Simoyi
pp. 7299-7303 [View PDF (313 kB)]
Scaling and scaling crossover for transport on anisotropic fractal structures
A. Adrover, W. Schwalm, M. Giona, and D. Bachand
pp. 7304-7312 [View PDF (190 kB)]
Numerical studies of second- and fourth-order correlation functions in cluster-cluster aggregates in application to optical scattering
Vadim A. Markel, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Evgeni Y. Poliakov, and Thomas F. George
pp. 7313-7333 [View PDF (402 kB)]

Biological physics

Noise and randomlike behavior of perceptrons: Theory and applicationto protein structure prediction
M. Compiani, P. Fariselli, and R. Casadio
pp. 7334-7343 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Dynamical phase diagrams of neural networks with asymmetric couplings
M. N. Tamashiro, O. Kinouchi, and S. R. Salinas
pp. 7344-7353 [View PDF (240 kB)]
Relaxation in a perfect funnel
Maxim Skorobogatyy, Hong Guo, and Martin Zuckermann
pp. 7354-7363 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Conformations of linear DNA
Boris Fain, Joseph Rudnick, and Stellan Östlund
pp. 7364-7368 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Storage capacity of correlated perceptrons
D. Malzahn, A. Engel, and I. Kanter
pp. 7369-7378 [View PDF (264 kB)]
Internal-noise-enhanced signal transduction in neuronal systems
Wei Wang and Z. D. Wang
pp. 7379-7384 [View PDF (118 kB)]
Dynamics of gelatin ablation due to free-electron-laser irradiation
Jerri Tribble, Don C. Lamb, Lou Reinisch, and Glenn Edwards
pp. 7385-7389 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Calculation of the binding affinity of the anticancer drug daunomycin to DNA by a statistical mechanics approach
Y. Z. Chen and Yong-Li Zhang
pp. 7390-7395 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Two plateau moduli for actin gels
A. C. Maggs
pp. 7396-7400 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Properties of associative memory analog neural networks with asymmetric synaptic couplings
Masahiko Yoshioka and Masatoshi Shiino
pp. 7401-7413 [View PDF (250 kB)]
Effect of drug-binding-induced deformation on the vibrational spectrum of a DNA⋅daunomycin complex
Y. Z. Chen, A. Szabó, D. F. Schroeter, J. W. Powell, S. A. Lee, and E. W. Prohofsky
pp. 7414-7423 [View PDF (168 kB)]
Effect of random synaptic dilution in oscillator neural networks
Toshio Aoyagi and Katsunori Kitano
pp. 7424-7428 [View PDF (105 kB)]
Raman studies of the C=C and C=O stretching modes in various cholesteryl alkanoates
S. Bresson, D. Bormann, and B. Khelifa
pp. 7429-7433 [View PDF (102 kB)]
Finite size scaling of the Bayesian perceptron
Arnaud Buhot, Juan-Manuel Torres Moreno, and Mirta B. Gordon
pp. 7434-7440 [View PDF (176 kB)]

Plasma physics

Trajectory of the wave field centroid
A. G. Litvak, V. A. Mironov, and E. M. Sher
pp. 7441-7448 [View PDF (252 kB)]
Negative-energy perturbations in general axisymmetric and helical Maxwell-Vlasov equilibria
Darío Correa-Restrepo and Dieter Pfirsch
pp. 7449-7456 [View PDF (210 kB)]
Quantum theory of frequency shifts of an electromagnetic wave interacting with a plasma
A. Laio, G. Rizzi, and A. Tartaglia
pp. 7457-7461 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Anomalous loss of ionization in argon-hydrogen plasma studied by fast flow glow discharge mass spectrometry
R. S. Mason, P. D. Miller, and I. P. Mortimer
pp. 7462-7472 [View PDF (221 kB)]
Demixing in free-burning arcs
A. B. Murphy
pp. 7473-7494 [View PDF (423 kB)]
Heating and phase transitions of dust-plasma crystals in a flowing plasma
Frank Melandsø
pp. 7495-7506 [View PDF (1,541 kB)]
Collisional-radiative average-atom model for hot plasmas
Balazs F. Rozsnyai
pp. 7507-7521 [View PDF (295 kB)]
Weibel instability due to inverse bremsstrahlung absorption
A. Bendib, K. Bendib, and A. Sid
pp. 7522-7526 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Multiple scale derivation of the relativistic ponderomotive force
E. A. Startsev and C. J. McKinstrie
pp. 7527-7535 [View PDF (232 kB)]
Two-dimensional nonlocal heating theory of planar-type inductively coupled plasma discharge
N. S. Yoon, S. M. Hwang, and Duk-In Choi
pp. 7536-7549 [View PDF (461 kB)]

Physics of beams

Numerical study for the two-beam instability due to ions in electron-storage rings
Kazuhito Ohmi
pp. 7550-7556 [View PDF (176 kB)]
Halo formation and chaos in root-mean-square matched beams propagatingthrough a periodic solenoidal focusing channel
Y. Fink, C. Chen, and W. P. Marable
pp. 7557-7564 [View PDF (242 kB)]
Envelope analysis of intense relativistic quasilaminar beams in rf photoinjectors:mA theory of emittance compensation
Luca Serafini and James B. Rosenzweig
pp. 7565-7590 [View PDF (494 kB)]
Bunched beam envelope equations including image effects from a cylindrical pipe
Christopher K. Allen and Martin Reiser
pp. 7591-7605 [View PDF (408 kB)]
Calibration of the polarization of a beam of arbitrary energy in a storage ring
R. E. Pollock, W. A. Dezarn, M. Dzemidzic, J. Doskow, J. G. Hardie, H. O. Meyer, B. v. Przewoski, T. Rinckel, F. Sperisen, W. Haeberli, B. Lorentz, F. Rathmann, T. Wise, and P. V. Pancella
pp. 7606-7611 [View PDF (107 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Nonlinear dynamics of classical Heisenberg chains
V. Constantoudis and N. Theodorakopoulos
pp. 7612-7618 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Photonic band gap phenomenon and optical properties of artificial opals
V. N. Bogomolov, S. V. Gaponenko, I. N. Germanenko, A. M. Kapitonov, E. P. Petrov, N. V. Gaponenko, A. V. Prokofiev, A. N. Ponyavina, N. I. Silvanovich, and S. M. Samoilovich
pp. 7619-7625 [View PDF (307 kB)]
Perturbation theory for solitons of the Manakov system
V. S. Shchesnovich and E. V. Doktorov
pp. 7626-7635 [View PDF (201 kB)]
Unstable higher modes of a three-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Darran E. Edmundson
pp. 7636-7644 [View PDF (698 kB)]
Propagation of plane waves and of waveguide modes in quasiperiodic dielectric heterostructures
R. Pelster, V. Gasparian, and G. Nimtz
pp. 7645-7655 [View PDF (252 kB)]
Generalized eikonal equation in excitable media
M. Wellner and A. M. Pertsov
pp. 7656-7661 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Instability of continuous waves and rotating solitons in waveguide arrays
S. Darmanyan, I. Relke, and F. Lederer
pp. 7662-7668 [View PDF (441 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of cracks: Fluctuations, breakdown, and asymptotics of elastic theory
Alex Buchel and James P. Sethna
pp. 7669-7690 [View PDF (453 kB)]
Long-range self-affine correlations in a random soliton gas
L. E. Guerrero, E. López-Atencio, and J. A. González
pp. 7691-7695 [View PDF (135 kB)]
Time-derivative Lorentz materials and their utilization as electromagnetic absorbers
Richard W. Ziolkowski
pp. 7696-7703 [View PDF (175 kB)]
Vectorial solitary waves in optical media with a quadratic nonlinearity
U. Peschel, C. Etrich, F. Lederer, and B. A. Malomed
pp. 7704-7711 [View PDF (266 kB)]
Nonresonance optical breathers in nonlinear and dispersive media
G. T. Adamashvili and A. A. Maradudin
pp. 7712-7719 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Properties of an optical soliton gas
A. Schwache and F. Mitschke
pp. 7720-7725 [View PDF (155 kB)]

Computational physics

Smart covering for a box-counting algorithm
Marcos Yamaguti and Carmen P. C. Prado
pp. 7726-7732 [View PDF (380 kB)]
Monte Carlo multiple-scattering simulation and data correction in small-angle static light scattering
Luca Cipelletti
pp. 7733-7740 [View PDF (158 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Simple and exactly solvable model for queue dynamics
Yu-barki Sugiyama and Hiroyasu Yamada
pp. 7749-7752 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Effect of correlated flights on particle mobilities during single-file diffusion
David S. Sholl and Kristen A. Fichthorn
pp. 7753-7756 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Existence of a long time scale in quantum chaos
Giulio Casati, B. V. Chirikov, and O. V. Zhirov
pp. 7757-7758 [View PDF (48 kB)]
Thermalization of an electron-phonon system in a nonequilibrium state characterizedby fractal distribution of phonon excitations
Ismo Koponen
pp. 7759-7762 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Chaotic family with smooth Lyapunov dependence
R. Stoop and W.-H. Steeb
pp. 7763-7766 [View PDF (104 kB)]

Classical fluids

Energy flux into a fluidized granular medium at a vibrating wall
Sean McNamara and Jean-Louis Barrat
pp. 7767-7770 [View PDF (91 kB)]
When the telegrapher's equation furnishes a better approximation to the transport equation than the diffusion approximation
Josep M. Porr`a, Jaume Masoliver, and George H. Weiss
pp. 7771-7774 [View PDF (123 kB)]
Energy stability bounds on convective heat transport:mNumerical study
Charles R. Doering and James M. Hyman
pp. 7775-7778 [View PDF (99 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Influence of undercooling on phase-ordering kinetics in nematic liquid crystals
V. Popa-Nita and S. Romano
pp. 7779-7781 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Photorefractive-gain dependence on piezoelectric and photoelastic effects in barium titanate
Pierre Mathey
pp. 7782-7784 [View PDF (95 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Impurity-induced diffusion bias in epitaxial growth
Luís A. Nunes Amaral and Joachim Krug
pp. 7785-7788 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Three-dimensional growth morphologies in diffusion-controlled channel growth
T. Abel, E. Brener, and H. Müller-Krumbhaar
pp. 7789-7792 [View PDF (3,295 kB)]
Entropy spectrum for distribution of history probabilities in growth models
Shinichi Sato and Yoshinori Hayakawa
pp. 7793-7796 [View PDF (86 kB)]
Scaling analysis of sediment equilibrium in aggregated colloidal suspensions
D. Senis and C. Allain
pp. 7797-7800 [View PDF (103 kB)]

Biological physics

Statistical kinetics of the bacterial flagellar motor
Aravinthan D. T. Samuel and Howard C. Berg
pp. 7801-7804 [View PDF (83 kB)]

Plasma physics

Phase diagram of a dusty plasma
H. C. Lee and B. Rosenstein
pp. 7805-7808 [View PDF (131 kB)]

Computational physics

Simple learning algorithm for the traveling salesman problem
Kan Chen
pp. 7809-7812 [View PDF (80 kB)]


Erratum: Viscous properties of biaxial nematic liquid crystals: fThe method of calculation of the Leslie viscosity coefficients [Phys. Rev. E 55, 2902 (1997)]
Marcin Fia|A*lkowski
pp. 7813 [View PDF (51 kB)]